Secret Garden

posted by Tyara Mandasari on

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So, now I finally decided to share about my up-down life of these recent years. It's not exact detail of course, just a brief one. *grin*

As I ever wrote before on my previous post, 2010 was a hard year for me, yet I got many things to learn. And unfortunately, 2011 was much harder than 2010. Much much harder! I think that 2011 is the hardest year ever in my 23-year-life, for sure! I guessed 2011 would be a very good year for me, but I was wrong, totally. In that year, I lost my love, my job, my business and my health. Can you imagine? If you can't, I'll tell you.

First thing that I lost was my love. As you can guess, I  broke up with my boyfriend. I actually don't want to write it as 'love', yet it's just the simplest word to describe for relationship status. The matter was, that relationship was the most real relationship that I ever had. He promised me a marriage, in 2011! And, instead of marriage, it's a separation. Oh ya, for your information, he left me. Pity of me? Don't be! I was totally fine at that time. I cried a lot for sure, but I was fine. I thank God, really! God had showed me the right way before it went so wrong.

Second I lost was my business. I, and four of my best friends, had a business in our campus called Rumpis (Rumah Pisang). We were so busy since we all had worked, then we couldn't take care of our Rumpis properly. Thus, it collapsed. It really made me sad, sadder than breaking up, hahaha. Nonetheless, one day, I really will build it up again.

The third one was my health. I was soooooooo busy at my office. I was working at one big Public Relations consultant which its working hour was very flexible. Then, I didn't care enough of my health. Everyday, even Saturday and Sunday, sometimes, I had to work. I dropped terribly, I missed working for more than a week, bed rest.

My health impacted my job. I had to choose, my health or my job. I couldn't get both. If I wanted to regain my health, I needed to let go off my job. Why? Because I would keep busy all the time, that I wouldn't have time to take care of myself and regain my health. In the end, I decided to resign, for the sake of me and the company. That was a short period of time of me working there. However, I obtained many experiences, I learned many things. I guessed I wouldn't have got that many, unless I had worked there. So, I was grateful for me being there.

All those things happened in 2011, from June to August. Yes, only in three months. Then, I went back to my home in Bandar Lampung, recovering my health. Thank God I recovered, also, in three months. Beside taking care of my body, at the same time I was healing my pain. Though I was fine, it didn't mean that it didn't hurt, my heart. It's just like, when you fall from your bike, you bleed and hurt, but you're still fine. Same thing happens to heart. I could heal my pain faster than I imagined before, I only needed two months. And, believe it or not, the thing which helped me was Korean drama! Yup, it seemed ridiculous, hahahaha..

One K-drama titled Secret Garden was my savior. It made me smile and having faith, a bigger faith than I had before, that life was soooooo beautiful. Secret Garden is a fiction, fantasy, yet I'm just hypnotized by the story. I won't tell you about the story of Secret Garden, I just wanna tell you that it makes me believe that happiness is around the corner, a perfect beautiful fate has arranged by God. The matter is, I need to believe, I have to believe. That's all.

Now, I am happy everyday, every single day. I smile, I laugh. I thank God for every single thing, the smallest even. When I feel a little bit angry or sad because I can't get what I want, I simply think about what I have. Since it's countless, then I smile again, laugh again, happy again. Be positive, and the positive things surely will come. Happiness is an option, we choose!