Archive for August 2012

The Wall and Locked Gate

posted by Tyara Mandasari on

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I have a story of a girl and a boy...

There's a teenage girl who's still pure and stupid as well, didn't know much about world, neither she wanted in life. She lived in a house, with a big tall wall and a locked gate and she never looked outside the windows, but she went out sometimes when it's needed.

The gate has an automatic system. It would recognize while her close friends and girl friends came, then the gate would automatically open, that's it. For the girl acquaintances, they needed to ring the bell for first visit, then for next visit the gate would automatically open. While for boy friends and acquaintances, they needed to ring the bell outside the gate when visiting. Then, she would decide and set which would the ones who didn't need to ring the bell for next visit, who did still need to. However, for mostly boys who wanted to visit her to get to know about her, they didn't have any guts to ring the bell outside the gate since the wall was intimidating. Therefore, there's a very few boys that could get close to her.

Years passed, she's more mature now. She still lives in her house with that big tall wall and locked gate, still never looks outside the windows, yet goes out more often than before. One day, while she was outside, she met her old friend, not a close one, a boy.

Unexpectedly, she can get along well with that boy. She shares her thoughts about many things, about world, about life. Surprisingly, he has same ideas with her, though his character is quite different. She never thought before that she would met a boy who had same idea with her or a boy who could understand about her thoughts, who could accept her as she was. It's more unpredictable that the boy was actually her old friend. Yes, she didn't know much about boys when she's teenager, then she never realized there's someone who's very good around her.

For first time in her life, she sets the gate to automatically open when that boy's coming, although that boy never visited her before. Thus, when that boy's coming, the gate will open itself without ringing the bell. Nevertheless, even though the boy's coming to her house through that gate, he still need to knock the front door. She never looks outside through the windows, so she won't know if there's someone outside her house. Maybe he's ever come to her house but not knocking the door, or maybe he's simply never come.

Now, she's waiting inside her house, waiting for that boy to come. The gate's never locked for that boy, so the only thing that the boy should do while visiting her is knocking the door. Simply knock, then she can open the door for him. So far, they are so close... So close, and still so far...

Beautiful Man, Beautiful Friend

posted by Tyara Mandasari on

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I just read my friend's blog, her name is Dhea, while the blog is GoBlog
She posted a lyric of a song titled He Heals Me by India Arie. I'm really amazed by that lyric because it represents myself, my thinking and feeling as well.

And, here is the lyric

He Heals Me

I told him my biggest secret
And he told me four
He smiled at me and said
That makes me love you more
And then he made me laugh
And I knew it was a sign
That he was a man
That I wanted in my life
And with every passing day
I feel more and more of that way
He heals me, he knows the real me
And he accepts me, he never hurts me
He heals me, he knows the real me
And he accepts me, he never hurts me
He heals me, he heals me
I can play him songs all through the night
And he will listen to every line
And even when I'm wrong, he is still kind
He chooses his words wisely
When he tells me I'm not right
And yes, he is a beautiful man
But he is also a beautiful friend
The moment that we met, he made me smile
He has so much compassion in his eyes
I have no idea, how long he'll be here
A season or a lifetime, forever or a year
But for the first time in my life
I'm not worried about the future
Because we have such a wonderful time when we're together
However things turn out, it's all right
'Cause he's already changed my life

Start from "And yes, he is a beautiful man, but he is also a beautiful friend..." until end, that's what I really think about someone.

I ever posted "Is It Wrong?" on this blog on June 22, 2012 where I wrote "I choose enjoying what I feel now, instead of worrying what will happen later." and also "That I know for sure is I don't wanna lose him as a friend. If fate puts me and him together, he will be my lifetime 'friend'. If destiny wants me and him separated, he will be still my friend. Whatever future will bring, I will keep him as my friend, since he is a precious friend of mine." Those lines of "Is It Wrong?" have the same meaning as the lines "I'm not worried about the future..." till end. That's true that I have no idea how long he'll be here, but I'm not worried at all. And yes, it is first time in my life.

All My Way

posted by Tyara Mandasari on

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Is it me who's heartless, or them who are too sensitive?

Pertanyaan itu muncul karena seringnya gue scrolling timeline Twitter dan menemukan fakta bahwa ternyata banyak ya yang susah banget untuk move on atau stuck in the past. Penting nggak penting sih, tapi cukup bikin gue gemes juga ternyata. Moreover, beberapa akun yang isinya quotes, such @ihatequotes, @BestQuoteDaily, dan akun-akun lainnya yang berasal dari Indonesia atau dari luar, yang cukup banyak ngetwit soal wejangan untuk move on atau malah kata-kata yang menyuratkan kalo kita itu sering banget stuck in the past. Contoh, "@ihatequotes: Sometimes we can't deny the truth that the one who has hurt you is still the one you'll always choose to love." dan diretweet sebanyak 109 kali, terakhir sampai gue posting tulisan ini. Atau "@BestQuoteDaily: And I guess what I'm trying to say is that without you, I just don't know what I'm doing anymore...".  Interpretasi orang memang bisa beda-beda sih soal twit itu, tapi menurut gue twit itu jelas bilang kalo kita nggak bisa move on. Again, menurut gue.

Nah, pertanyaan itu akhirnya benar-benar muncul, karena gue merasa gue mudah banget untuk move on. Gue bisa move on, dalam arti hilang rasa atau bisa dibilang ngelupain, hanya dalam waktu dua bulan setelah putus. Dan, perlu diketahui juga, pacarannya memang baru sebentar, 9 bulan, tapi hubungannya itu udah serius banget dan tinggal lamaran resmi aja. Ha! Gue pun nanya sama diri sendiri, "Am I too indifferent? Heartless? Why is it so easy for me to move on? Why is it so hard for them?".

Sampe sekarang sih gue masih nggak ngerti kenapa banyak orang yang susah untuk move on. Tapi, tebakan gue sih kayaknya karena nggak mau. Ya, masalah apa pun adalah bukan soal bisa atau nggak bisa, tapi mau atau nggak mau. Selama kita mau, sesulit apa pun masalah pasti bisa dilalui.

Kalo bagi gue sendiri, kenapa gue gampang untuk move on, yang paling utama adalah keinginan. As I said, kemauan itu nomor satu. Gue mau bahagia, gue harus bahagia. Gimana caranya bahagia? Simple, ikhlas dan bersyukur. Ikhlas untuk segala hal yang terjadi dengan diri kita, dalam arti terima keadaan. Orang bilang bahwa ikhlas itu susah. Memang! Siapa yang bilang gampang? Setelah ikhlas, syukuri semua hal yang terjadi, termasuk hal yang kita anggap buruk, such putus dari pacar atau bahkan tunangan. Kenapa hal yang buruk kok disyukuri? Bisakah? Bisa! Mudahkah? Nggak! Nggak ada yang bilang mudah. Ikhlas dan bersyukur adalah dua pelajaran paling sulit yang gue lalui dalam hidup. Susah sih memang, tapi ternyata bisa, buktinya gue bisa, kenapa orang lain nggak.

Trus, gimana caranya untuk belajar ikhlas dan bersyukur? Nggak bermaksud ngajarin, cuma sharing pengalaman aja. Cara ikhlas dan bersyukur yang pertama yang gue lakukan adalah menerima kenyataan saat ini! Ingat, bukan kemarin, bukan kemarinnya lagi, bukan besok, tapi sekarang! We live in the present, so just live for today! Kenyataan hari ini misalnya buruk, jalanin! Jangan pernah takut atau berpikir aneh-aneh soal kemarin atau besok. Ingat, hidup itu kadang di atas kadang di bawah, senang dan sedih. Setelah kita bisa terima kenyataan sepahit apa pun itu, ke depannya akan lebih mudah.

Tahap berikutnya adalah berdoa. Klise? Yes, but it is true and indeed important. Doa adalah bentuk menyerahkan diri ke Tuhan. Itu definisi gue ya, boleh setuju boleh nggak. Doa yang gue maksud di sini adalah doa yang benar, dalam arti berdoa meminta petunjuk untuk jalan yang terbaik. Percaya deh, kalo kita tidak meninggalkan Tuhan, Dia juga nggak akan pernah meninggalkan kita. Bagi gue, Tuhan adalah tempat curhat terbaik, karena gue bisa cerita apaaaaa aja tanpa ragu dan gue akan dapat jawaban terbaik dari yang terbaik. Just try it, it's very amazing!

Yang ketiga yaitu jangan bertanya 'kenapa'. Ini memang naluriah ketika hal buruk terjadi, kita akan cenderung bertanya, 'kenapa, Tuhan?' atau 'kenapa ini menimpa saya?' atau 'kenapa jadi begini, apa salah saya, Tuhan?' atau 'kenapa Kau pertemukan hamba dengannya, tapi akhirnya Kau pisahkah kami?'. Pasti banyak yang bertanya begitu kan? Lebih baik nggak usah ditanya deh, karena tanpa ditanya pun nanti jawabannya akan muncul sendiri, seiring jalannya waktu. Jadi, yang diperlukan di sini adalah sabar. Sabar untuk menunggu jawabannya.

Selanjutnya, percaya! Percaya pada apa? Percaya pada rencana Tuhan. Sering dengar 'manusia hanya berencana, Tuhan yang menentukan', kan? Nah, kata-kata itu maknanya dalam loh kalo kita resapi dengan baik. Mudahnya adalah, percaya bahwa kalo kita memang dipisahkan saat ini, itu adalah hal yang terbaik. Jangan ada kata 'tapi'. Have faith!

Ketika kita putus atau berpisah dengan orang yang begitu kita sayang, maksud dari 'ini yang terbaik' memang nggak akan keliatan saat ini juga. Ya jelas dong, kita lagi sedih-sedihnya, mana bisa kita anggap hal itu sebagai jalan yang terbaik. Tapi jangan khawatir, suatu saat kita akan tau segalanya. Yang paling penting adalah tetap percaya dan buka hati juga pikiran agar jawaban itu bisa masuk sendiri.

Terus, gimana caranya ngelupain sang mantan itu? Metode gue cukup sederhana. Satu hal, gue nggak mau meratapi nasib. Kan percaya nih kalo Tuhan sayang sama kita, jadi kalo kita putus saat ini, pasti akan ada gantinya yang lebih baik. Atau, bisa jadi orang yang sama, tapi bukan sekarang waktunya. Maka, sabar itu penting banget di masa-masa seperti ini. Terus, gue termasuk tipe orang yang nggak suka kalo ada orang tau gue lagi patah hati, karena gue selalu beranggapan kalo banyak orang tau, si mantan pun akan tau. Nah, itu yang nggak gue mau, gue nggak mau mantan menganggap gue 'lemah' dan masih begitu sayangnya sama dia, walaupun itu kenyataannya. Gue harus membuat si mantan itu tau kalo gue amat sangat baik-baik saja tanpa dia. Jangan salah, itu salah satu cara ampuh untuk membuat si mantan frustasi loh, apalagi kalo mantan itu punya tingkat percaya diri tinggi dan sedikit arogan. It's one of a pleasure buat gue, jadi untuk yang ini boleh setuju, boleh nggak, haha.. Bagi gue, the best way of revenge is showing that you're happy without him.

So, there are my methods, and you can find yours. Dan, for your information, gue udah dapat jawabannya, walaupun gue nggak pernah bertanya. Oh iya, satu lagi, kecenderungan orang stuck in the past adalah karena hidup dalam kenangan. Let me say this: Don't just make your memory as a memory, but make it as your precious experience which you can learn from, so that you will know either it's a mistake or not. Menganggap masa lalu hanya sebagai kenangan dampaknya akan beda banget dengan menganggap masa lalu sebagai pengalaman. Kenapa? Coba jawab sendiri... ;-)

I guess, it's not me who's heartless. It's them who are too sensitive. AdiĆ³s!

ps: actually, this post was inspired by my conversation with my best friend, Diana @ddiiamond. So Bu, this is dedicated for you, not because you don't move on, but because you still need to learn.