God, what happen to me? I never felt this before until today. Would You mind telling me the truth? Honestly, I can’t read this sign, I really need an answer, a clear one. God, please! Please! How much tears to fall till You can answer me, God? You think the tears falling in my every prays isn’t enough yet? You think couple years are not enough yet for me to know, so You just still keep it a secret? You think I’m not ready enough yet? You think I’m not patient enough yet? You think I have to wait a little longer to know this? How long, God? Seconds? Minutes? Hours? Days? Weeks? Months? YEARS? Another years to wait God? God, may I have limit in patience? Or may I not? I only can promise one thing, I strive, really strive, to have no limit.
Just really need Your answer.
Just really need Your answer.
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